"Fury itself supplies arms."
Specifically, World of Warcraft, which I still have a subscription for and haven't played with the release of games I could much rather be playing. It seems to me that WoW has set the equation for all MMOs. Mostly because you can't really be a successful MMO these days without being, or trying to be WoW. Which would make a person think, "Why doesn't everyone play WoW if it is the best MMO?" Well, mechanically, I'd say it is the best, right next to Star Wars: The Old Republic. As far as content and community goes, I think that it's gone way down the drain after killing off all of the main villians from the RTS series of Warcraft and letting the game be more accessible to a younger audience. Nothing will feel the same as raiding Black Temple in the first expansion pack back in middle school. Now the health and mana scores are in the hundred-thousands, the villians and mosters are less entertaining and you can't really establish a connection to them like you could the old stuff. Deathwing, the main villian in the latest expansion, wasn't even heard of by the majority of the Warcraft audience until its release. However, I plan on playing it this week, mostly because I believe there is still hope for this MMO with content. The next expansion pack (Although it SOUNDS absolutely retarted) actually is going back to the things that made the game good, and that's the struggle between the two factions. So I have that to look forward to. Plus a PvP expansion means I finally get to go arms. I'm fucking sick of fury.
Yeahhh buddy, let's own pvp (where real players excel)