Tuesday, March 20, 2012


So, I woke up today thinking it was Wednesday and was unhappily surprised at the fact that it was Tuesday. It's hot. Like, I don't like when it's over 65 degrees, and although it may not be quite that, it is muggy as fuck. I hate when I have to sit in school and sweat all day. So over the weekend was Saint Patrick's day, which me and my friends appropriately named it Saint Rachet's day. If you don't know why you can look it up on urban dictionary or something. Perhaps we're just so hip that we're the only ones who say it. Needless to say, it was a good time. The purpose of today's blog is to simply ease back into the whole blogging business after the weekend of forgetting about it. So, sorry this isn't anything interesting. First period, can't exactly expect much to come from my brain here.

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